Prof. Dr. Claudia Hruska
Frühe Bildung und Entwicklungspsychologie

since 04/2020 Full professor of Early Childhood Education - Communication and Language
2015 - 2019 Approbation as Psychological Psychotherapist (adults als well as childhood/youth)
10/2017-03/2020 Guestprofessor at Free University of Berlin / inclusion - special pedagogy
2017 Visiting Professor at University Vienna, Early Childhood in Context
(Prof. DDr. Liselotte Ahnert)
10/2015 - 03/2017 University of Leipzig, organization of the new department Early Childhood Education
since 2015 Qualification of Psychotherapy (adults and children/adolecent)
10/2009 - 12/2015 Professor of Early Childhood Psychology at
University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg
05/2009 - 09/2009 Professor od Early Childhood and Primary School Teacher Education
11/2007 - 04/2010 Free University of Berlin / evelopment and applicant of the national study of Quality in
Early Childhood Education and Care (NUBBEK)
since 2010 Freelancer in Early Childhood Education/ Developmental Psychology
03/2004 PhD in Psychology and neuroscientific research
09/1999 - 02/2004 Research at Max-Planck-Institut of Cognitive Neuroscience (CNS) Leipzig
04/1994 - 11/1999 MA and BA Psychology (1999), Humboldt-Universität Berlin
specialization in interaction and communication // clinical psychology
09/1991 - 07/1997 MA and BA Social Therapy (1997), Humboldt-Universität Berlin